Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Great Lakes Convention

Hi Gang,

Just wanted to pop into your email boxes for just a quick minute.. I wanted to remind you of the Great Lakes Division Convention coming up this Saturday, August 1st..

There’s going to be lots of great forums that will be of particular interest to ARES / NTS folks, as well as those who are not as involved. These forums are a combined effort of all 3 of the Section Emergency Coordinators and Section Managers in the Division, as well as other experts in their fields from all around the Great Lakes Division. This is the only place that you can get that type of ARRL sanctioned training with that level of expertise. Don’t miss out on this opportunity. And, since we know that your time is very valuable to you, we have combined all of this with a hamfest. FUN, training and a hamfest all rolled up into one day, and one very exciting event.

Oh, by the way, here are the forums.

NTS/OSSBN, ARES, NVISX, DX, Digital Voice, HF Sound Card Modes, and of course there will be the ARRL Forum where a number of awards will be given out as well. And even a special event will happen this year..

YES, there IS a Wouff Hong scheduled this year as well!! Even if you’ve been through it before, you’ll want to sit in on this FUN event. Even if you've been through one before, it's guaranteed that you'll have FUN for sure..

Now if that isn’t enough to get you to come, then let me tell ya’ this.. we will have a special guest from the League there as well!! Debra Johnson, K1DMJ, who is the Educational Service Manager will be there to answer your questions and let you in on what’s happening at the League. WOW.. Lots of things to do and see at the Convention!!

Look for the specific details of this event and the forums on the http://arrl-greatlakes.org website.

Now you ALL definitely have a stake in the Division Convention!! Your attendance will definitely be even more demanding and exciting. Make sure to mark your calendars for this Saturday, August 01 at the Aladdin Shrine Hall (just across the street from Easton Mall) on Stelzer Road in Columbus.

Be there, or be square.


Scott, N8SY..

