Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Years Resolution

Hi Gang,

As the year of 2014 is quickly winding down and I’m sure that most of us will be up and working stations left and right on New Year’s Eve night as it is “Red Badge” night all over the country. I will be on, mostly 80/75 and 40 meters (if anyone is interested..)  I do want to take just a quick moment of your time to say it has been a privilege to be able to serve as your Section Manager this past year and I want to wish each and every one of you a very prosperous 2015.

My goal for 2015 is a more robust one for the Section, as that now that I’m retired from my professional job, I plan on being more PRO-active at visiting with you.. Yes, the Ohio Section has done a great job in the past, but I want to make it even better this next year by being at your club activities and not just reading about them.

So, with that in mind, I hope you will continue to extend an invitation to me to come to your meeting/functions. I really enjoy visiting with all of you.

This New Year is also bringing another challenge to our Affiliated Clubs Coordinator and I. We want to get more clubs in Ohio “Affiliated” and those that are affiliated already.. well.., we want them to become Special Services Clubs. What you may not know about Ohio is that we “Ohio” started what is now the criterion for Special Services Clubs many years ago. We took what the ARRL had and enhanced it. We made it more of a challenge than what it had originally started out being. It was Ohio that set the “gold standard” throughout the country for having the most hard working and committed clubs as Special Services Clubs, and yes, we were noticed for that.. Yes folks, the League took notice of what WE (Ohio) was doing with this program and incorporated it into what we have today.

Is your club a Special Services Club? Don’t thing your club is up to the challenge? I think it is!! I think ALL clubs in Ohio can meet / exceed the criteria needed to accomplish this.

My challenge for the clubs in Ohio for 2015 is to become an Affiliated Club and/or Special Services Club. Right now our Affiliated Clubs Coordinator tells me we have about 57 Affiliated Clubs that have the paperwork up-to-date out of 96 clubs registered. On the Special Services Clubs side of things we have 9 clubs who are listed as Special Services Clubs. We have around 28 clubs that just haven’t renewed their SSC paperwork, WHY??. I’m sure that you meet the criteria still, right..??.

John, KD8MQ and I want EVERY club in Ohio to be an Affiliated AND Special Services Club. After all, we are the largest Section in the country, why shouldn’t we also have the most Affiliated and SSC’s in the country to go with that.

Now here’s what I will do for you..  If your club becomes an Affiliated Club or even better yet, a Special Services Club, I will personally come and present the certificate to your club!! Now lookie there, I’ve just created an awards night for your club. In addition someone in your club will get a “mug” on me. Yup, I’ll be sure to bring one of my very special Ohio Section Coffee Mugs filled with candies and a gift card to somewhere special.

Let’s make Ohio the envy of the 70 other Sections in the country..!!

Now, on another topic.. Does your club have a hard time looking for things to do to advertise themselves to the public? Here’s something that came across my desk that I think goes over the top for that idea..

“Ball drops at midnight in Marion on New Year’s Eve” -   MARION – A lighted ball drop, a “waterfall,” fireworks, singing, dancing and hot chocolate will mark the end of 2014 and the arrival of 2015 in downtown Marion. The Marion Amateur Radio Club will provide a portable tower from which the lighted ball will slowly descend from a height of 60 feet via a pulley system beginning 10 seconds before midnight, Kevin Landes, a past president for the club, said.

“We do things of service to the community,” Landes said.

“That’s what ham radio is all about. This is just another thing we could help out with. (And) it gets our name out there.”

Now there’s an original way of getting your name in front of the public for ya’.. 

Whelp.. That’s going to do it for this year!!! May the best of 2014 be remembered and we all enjoy an even GREATER and more FUN 2015!!


Scott, N8SY..
