Sunday, August 2, 2015

2015 Ohio Section Awards..

Hi Gang,

Just wanted to pop into your emails quickly to let you all know how the Columbus Hamfest / Great Lakes Convention went yesterday..

First off let me thank each and everyone one of you that attended for help make this a fantastic success!

Let me also thank Debra Johnson, K1DMJ from the ARRL, for coming to the Convention.

I want to also thank Dale Williams, WA8EFK and Tom Delaney, W8WTD our Great Lakes Director/Vice Director, for all of their support and leadership in making this event happen.

Last, but certainly not least, let me thank all of those folks that help put on the Hamfest / Convention.
It was great and ALL of you did a fantastic job pulling it altogether. A special "thanks" goes to those folks that were asked, and came through to do the Wouff Hong. By the way, I was told at the end of the ceremony that our Wouff Hong presentation would be the very last event done on that stage. It will soon be torn down to become part of the Easton Mall complex.

And, one final note about the Wouff Hong, there were 40 people indoctrinated into the Royal Order of the Wouff Hong yesterday. That's absolutely fantastic as well.. Congratulations to all who attended and went through the ritual.

Preliminary reports from the hamfest people state that there was over 500 folks in attendance.. The final numbers will be announce at a later time.

Now for the Newsletter awards..

Take it away John Ross, KD8IDJ, the Ohio Section Public Information Coordinator and Manager of
the Ohio Section Newsletter Contest..

"WOW! What a time the judges had with this. I just came from one of the liveliest discussions/debates that journalists have had since Watergate!!!

All of the talk was about the Ohio Section 2015 Newsletters. It was incredible, insightful, and unpredictable.

At the end of the night, almost simultaneously, the judges used the word...EVOLVE! They were surprised that, in just a year, our newsletters were changing, evolving and adapting to both their audiences and to technology. They all thought that after last year the judging would be easier...but our folks made it a good way by raising the bar and showing why Amateur Radio is what it is...the greatest hobby in the world!

The newsletters reflect what hams do every day...evolve with the technology, experiment with new ideas and concepts, and push the limits of communications to new heights. It's a great explanation point for our member's efforts and a reflection of their passion and dedication.

So, here are the 2015 ARRL Ohio Section Newsletter Contest winners:

1st Place...DELARA NEWS. Great graphics, easy to navigate, draws you in and easy to read.

2nd Place...The TM&K. Informative, unique, "smooth" graphics and easy to find special sections. One of the judges commented that if he were looking to learn more about amateur radio, the TM&K would be a great start.

3rd Place...a three way tie!!! The MVARA Voice Coil, the Mount Vernon Radio Club and the PCARS Radiogram. All slick publications, well organized, great layouts and easy to read articles and information.

Honorable Mention...The CARA Communicator. Well thought out, well laid out and good use of BOLD headlines to separate stories and articles.

After looking at all these newsletters, it's easy to see why the Ohio Section has the best and most talented crop of editors, writers and newsletters. There was no doubt in the judge's minds that Ohio newsletters win hands down against any other section! I knew what to expect. I read every newsletter and it was hard to hide my enthusiasm and joy watching the judges actually get excited about this contest!!!

That's it for me. It's been a blast and an honor to be a part of this process.

John, KD8IDJ.."

Thanks John.. Now as I was the Manager of the Great Lakes Division Newsletter contest, my judges even had a harder time at picking a winner.. You see, they were judging the "Best of the Best" that the Division had.. and that's a really tough job for sure..!!

I won't leave you in suspense.. The winner of the 7th Great Lakes Division Newsletter Contest was none other than.........    DELARA News from the Delaware ARA Club in Ohio.. Stan Broadway, N8BHL is the editor.

Now.. There was one more very prestigious award given out by me.. That was of the Allan Severson Memorial Award. This was awarded to Bob Dixon, W8ERD.

On the Division Level, there was one award given, and that was for DX Achievement Award. It was presented to Jay Slough, K4ZLE.

My good friend and counterpart in Michigan, Larry Camp, WB8R also had several awards to distribute as well.

As I said earlier, this was a fantastic day for all who attended, even the outside sales were great. The weather for the day was sunny and bright and warm.. You couldn't have asked for a better day for a hamfest and convention.

If you missed it, you really missed out on a great day for sure..

73, for now..

Scott, N8SY..
