Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Dave Sumner, K1ZZ coming to Findlay and PCARS

Hey Gang,

Just wanted to drop-in on your email to let you all know that Dave Sumner, K1ZZ will be at the Findlay Hamfest September 13th. Come see Dave on his last tour around the county before retiring next year.

Can't make the Findlay Hamfest? Then try this. PCARS is also hosting Dave the very next day (Monday) September 14th at their regular monthly meeting. Interested? The meeting will be at Underwood Hall at the American Legion Post 1945 Mogadore Road in Kent. The meeting will start at 7pm sharp. If you're interested in joining in on a dinner, come early, as that there will be no food or beverages allowed in Underwood Hall. For more details contact Tom Sly,


Don't forget, Thursday (September 3rd) is the day that Vanity Call-sign fees go away.


Are you getting those emails from the Great Lakes Director or Section Manager? Now, for those of you who may not want to go to all the bother of checking your account with the League, or you are just not League members, you still have a chance to get these important emails. All you have to do is to “Opt-In” to receive them. There’s a link to do this on the Ohio Section website, it’s on the bottom left corner.. For your convenience, here’s a direct link to it:

I urge all of you to make sure that everyone, regardless of whether they are a League member or not, get signed up for one of these options. You can always “Opt-Out” at any time if you feel this is not what you were expecting. But, who in their right mind would want to miss out on anything coming out of the Great Lakes Director or the Ohio Section Manager?


Do you follow us on Facebook or Twitter? Many folks have started picking us up on Facebook and Twitter now. Yes, we definitely have a presence on both of these social media areas! Why, well that’s an easy one to answer, it’s because that’s where the younger folks are hanging out these days.. It’s also a very quick way to post a short blast to everyone following us when something is happening. So, with that in mind, there’s a lot going on up on Facebook and Twitter for the Ohio Section. Right now, we have over 1,400 followers from all over the world, with that number growing every day. So, do you follow us? On Facebook just type in:   On Twitter type in: @arrlohio

There’s a new link on the left side of the main page of the Ohio Section Website “Follow The Section Manager” Come on, follow me as I go around the state visiting with all of you folks. I post pictures of where I am and have a lot of great folks commenting and liking my posts. Hey, I even have Kay Cragie, the President of the ARRL following along with me. It’s a lot of fun and you’ll get to see all the places I go and the folks I meet along the way.

Not on Facebook? It’s easy to join in and the best part of it is, it’s FREE!!


Finally..  there’s another NEW – one question – questionnaire on the Ohio Section Website. I’ve been changing the questions about once every couple of weeks or so. It only asks one question and it will take all of about 2 seconds for you to answer it, and you can see how your answer stacks up with others instantly. If you haven’t done it yet, please do.. I really want to hear from you.


That's it for this time around..  Have a safe Labor Day weekend and "keep the faith"..


Scott, N8SY..

